Saturday, 26 April 2014


Assalamualaikum.Yeehuuu. Pagi semua.. Eh eh rajin pulok nulis entry. Heee

Okay lepas cuci baju sidai baju inilah masa kita meleisure2. Hoho. Alahai sebenarnye banyak assignment tak siap lagi.Huhu.

One of them sebagai assistant Acai (classmates) cari bahan untuk dia present as a presenter time seminar nanti. Seminar ape? Hehehe untuk kekiter satu kelas je tapi involve orang luar and ramai jugok lecturer. It’s related to our core subject, Account. Opkos. 

Sape nak tolong cari bahan? Tajuknye Accounting can be seen as an information industry, therefore its standard may need legislative support in the interest of better financial reporting and hence better provision on information. Discuss reason that supports the need to regulate the financial accounting practices.
Acai cari sendiri boleh? Haaha

Hmphh.. Malam tadi dating dgn housemates.Tapi Ann takde. 2 kedai makan singgah ko. Haa.. Lapar punye pasal..Huhu

Do I need to go home this week??for 5 days holiday?
Should I?
Should not? Hehe
Have a nice day.