Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Academic Trip - Part 1

Hai assalamualaikum..
Harini takde class..esok cuti. Jumaat pun takde class.Tapi ade appointment kat audit firm. So,walaupun cuti 5 days,i can't go home.. Sobss..

Hari Isnin lepas kitorang pergi academic class trip ke KL (KTMB) dengan Shah Alam (Cerebos Comp). Cerebos comp yang brands' InnerShine yang ada Izaara tu.. Tau? Taktau sila google. Hee.. Ditakdirkan azmira di bahagian pendaftaran,bahagia bangun pukul 3.30 pagi. (Awal dari oranglain) Huhu.. Bertolak dari fac pukul 5.20 dan berhenti kat RnR Tapah and sampai KTMB around 9.20 camtu. 

Sebenarnye pergi KTMB untuk visit Internal Audit Department dia. Ade one subject semester ni about Internal Audit/Audit Dalam. So kenelah tengok what's the difference between what we've learn in our class with what's the real ones. Who's their Chief Audit Executive, how they complete their assessment on this and that. Semuanya berkaitan Internal Audit. After that buat report. Submit. Done. Heee

Alhamdulillah KTMB sangat memberi cooperation dan melayan kitorang dengan sabar walaupun there's so many questions being asked. Team IA KTMB sangat berpengalaman... Pokcik engineer yang buat explanation dapat pulok yang lawak.Hmph...

Here we goes.
2 girls ni housemates a.k.a classmates of mine. :)

With le classmates.

Bukan senang boleh pinjam monopod dgn smartpong org.Hihi...


With the Chief Audit Executives/GM of IA department. 


It took me a whole day to complete this entry. Hmphh. Ade lagi gambar kat Cerebos Comp okay.
Just because of my Internet problems here, I give up. Hoho
Till we meet again. Heee

Saturday, 26 April 2014


Assalamualaikum.Yeehuuu. Pagi semua.. Eh eh rajin pulok nulis entry. Heee

Okay lepas cuci baju sidai baju inilah masa kita meleisure2. Hoho. Alahai sebenarnye banyak assignment tak siap lagi.Huhu.

One of them sebagai assistant Acai (classmates) cari bahan untuk dia present as a presenter time seminar nanti. Seminar ape? Hehehe untuk kekiter satu kelas je tapi involve orang luar and ramai jugok lecturer. It’s related to our core subject, Account. Opkos. 

Sape nak tolong cari bahan? Tajuknye Accounting can be seen as an information industry, therefore its standard may need legislative support in the interest of better financial reporting and hence better provision on information. Discuss reason that supports the need to regulate the financial accounting practices.
Acai cari sendiri boleh? Haaha

Hmphh.. Malam tadi dating dgn housemates.Tapi Ann takde. 2 kedai makan singgah ko. Haa.. Lapar punye pasal..Huhu

Do I need to go home this week??for 5 days holiday?
Should I?
Should not? Hehe
Have a nice day.


Assalamualaikum semua…

Sila jawab salam..

Bersawang blogspot azmira ni..berapa tahun tak hupdate. Echeh. Okay sebenarnya baru lepas hadapi 6 common test for 5 days berturut2. Berjerebu kepale. Huuuhu. Antara 6 papers tu,takde yang senang pong. Sedih! Heh. Tapi Alhamdulillah ade gak yang boleh jawab sikit2 tu and that’s because Allah helped me. J Sebenarnye kene muhasabah diri balik. Yang subjek membaca ni tak boleh last minute. Should be everyday baca since banyak terms pelik..Huhu ;)

Harini tak buat apepun sebab konon2 release tension. So tidor kemain lame tadi plus layan movies. Sabar jelah. Hari Isnin ni ade academic trip ke KL and Shah Alam Insyaallah dan aku dan 2 orang housemates telah dilantik d bhg pendaftaran. So before 5 am kene ada kat faculty.What…!

Itu jelah nak update.Bye.